Saturday, July 5, 2008

Dining out

Just had dinner with my daughter and her family of two girls, age 7 and 4 together with her husband. It is her belated birthday dinner, and I bought a box of walnut carrot cake for her.
I have yet to try the cake myself. Next time, I will give myself a treat.

They were complaining why do I have to shift so far away. Why don't I stay closer to them. My dear, even though I am far or near, they have no time to visit me. When they were staying with me last time, not much affection were shown. Now, maybe absent makes the heart grow fonder. I prefer it this way, rather than staying together and finding faults with each other. When we stay apart, and once in a while when we meet, we feel as if we love each other so much!!!!

Two people read my blog and they said I did a good job. No problem, as I read a lot of story books in school days, so when I blog, I just blah, blah, blah away without any effort.

Also attended a dance class just now. I treat it as a form of exercise. I don't want to be a couch potato. My partner of the same sex, sent me home in time for my dinner with my daughter.

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